Japanese Proverb.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Freedom Writers

Freedom Writers

¯  Background of the film
The storyline with the movie takes place between 1994-1996, beginning with scenes from the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Swank plays the role of Erin Gruwell, a new, excited schoolteacher who leaves the safety of her hometown, Newport Beach, to teach at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, a formerly high achieving school which has recently put an integration plan in place. Her enthusiasm is rapidly challenged when she realizes that her class is all "at-risk" high school students, also known as "unteachables", and not the eager-for-college students she was expecting. The high school students assimilate into racial groups in the classroom, fights break out, and eventually most of the high school students stop attending class. Not only does Gruwell meet opposition from her high school students, but she also has a difficult time with her department head, who refuses to let her teach her high school students with books in case they get damaged and lost, and instead tells her to focus on training them discipline and obedience.

¯  The role of the teacher
Is like a counselor. She involves students’ problems and feelings in the learning process. She also understands students’ situations and difficulties.
¯  How is the teacher interaction?}
At the beginning the interaction is hard because students are imperative and they do not respect the teacher. After students know the intention of the teacher is to help them, students change and open their life with the teacher.
¯  Behaviors
Teacher Erin Gruwell
Ä  She broke rules to get benefits to students.
Ä  She sacrificed even her marriage, getting two extras –jobs to pay new books.
Ä  At the beginning, they were aggressive, disrespectful and hopeless.
Ä  They did not care about their future, they just tried to survive and defeat their similar.
Ä  When they accepted Erin’s help, they became conscious of their abilities. They got aware of their possibilities to graduate, creating a chance in their lifestyles.
¯  Characteristics
Ø  Erin is a young professor. It is the first time she teaches.
Ø  The teacher is passioned and hopeful in her students’ abilities.
Ø  Even students, at the beginning, did not want to work in class, she caught their attention and developed a respectful environment, in which students felt secure.
Ø  Ms Gruweell used literature, show students that everything could be overcome.

¯  Method
Is academic, but also advice "." Instead of going to talk about something and say this is how things can be fixed, you can really begin to open the discussion and take a lesson from it.

¯  Classroom activities
X  Play of the line: It consisted on a series of questions that the teacher formulated the students, if this question was related with the life of them, these they should approach to it lines her and if the following question was not part of its life, these they should go away of it lines her.
X  The diary: It consisted on filling a notebook with bad or good things of their lives, songs or poems, but they should write daily in that notebook. 
X  Durango Street and The Holocaust: They were reading books, with which it was looked for to implement the literature and awakening the curiosity of the students. 
X  Museum of the tolerance: It was a trip to a museum where the students could appreciate a movie related with the Holocaust.
X  Hotel Marriott: This prize that its teacher's students obtained was where they shared in a dinner with the survivors of the Holocaust. 
X  Letter to Miep Gies: With the elaboration of this letter what was sought was that the students practiced and they corrected their orthographic and grammatical lacks. 
X  Freedom Writing: The final project that consisted on the publication of its newspapers or histories of life was.

¯  Problems of the teacher, social, spiritual, economic…
The professor's problems:  
Ä  No support from school’s authorities, because nobody believe on room 203 students, so, that they did not provide the necessary materials. It is noticed when Ms. Gruweel asks for books on the library and they offered books of other linguistic advanced levels.
Ä  Erin Gruwell, fought every day with fights, insults, depressions, unrespect on the part of their students inside classes. 
Ä  Erin was frustrated when seeing that its husband didn't understand it and this he decides to get divorced of her, because all its attention has it its classes and its students.
Social problems:  
Ä  The division of gangs that they fight for territory and they killed for pride, race and respect. 
Ä  It was not believed in the capacity of the students to be overcome academically and personally.
Ä  The politicians of the school didn't allow the students to use the books of the library, because they lined them and they broke them, for that reason they were given books discontinued for their use. 
Economic problems: 
Ä  The school denied its support to these students, because according to the administrative meeting; these students were the culprits that the school lost its academic prestige. 
Ä  The institution Wilson High School had many inequalities in its educational system and it excluded the students of low resources of the other ones.

¯  The classroom material, atmosphere…
The teacher in the movie believes that a good relationship is the good way to obtain respect, but, at the beginning the students did not respect her. All of them suffer different social problem also provoke the situation in the classroom.  Erin Gruwell thought that the form to help the young people is first because then can be late for them.
First the relation between students was hostile because the gangs and the separation of the classrooms was present at the beginning of the movie the students were divided into several groups with people to similar them.
First Ms Gruwell tried to find the way to catch the attention of the students with a song and the lyrics that have an interesting meaning but the students take this like offensive, also she tried to made them understand about the situation with different stories but se sew the lack of information and knowledge the they had. She looked for some activities their values and union, one of the activity use was the line game in which the students could understand better their classmate and all the things that they have in common. Then she gave them a book where the students could wrote whatever that they want; their experience, their pain, the dreams all this to express their feelings and emotion. After that Ms Gruwell bought books that are about similar situation to make sense in the life of the students and made some educative trips to museum all this for change the perspective of the students. Also the teachers used other materials such as debate, movies and talk with people with suffered the same problems.
¯  What is the message present in the film?

The message present in the film is never give up no matter if the situation are difficult we have to continue fighting for our dreams and help the people to find an exit for their problems and not ignore the others because they suffer bad experience and the color of the skin or their customs are not a problem and they have rights like others.

¯  What are values, ideas … are been promoted in the film?

v  Respect:  Erin teaches them the important thing that it is the respect and that they respect you, all this it happens soon after that Tito draws Jamall to make fun and to hurt its feelings.
v  Tolerance: When they don't want Ben Samuel to be white, but, that at the end of bills they don't insult him neither they mistreat, but rather they incorporate it to the group.
v  Friendship:  In half of the movie, when the group becomes unified totally and they begin to improve its attitudes, they become but responsible and they share its adventures day by day, forgetting the gangs and being themselves.
v  Honesty:  It is presented in two scenes of the movie first, when Eva in the tribunals of justice testifies that her boyfriend Paco went who shoot the boyfriend of Sindy Ngor. Second, when Scott tells to Erin that can no longer support the situation in the one that this living and this he requests him the divorce.
v  Love: This present along the movie, when Erin works day with day so that its students learn and stand out in the projects that they will carry out. The maternal love is also reflected when one of the students requests to its mother that accepts it again that wants to change and that he needs of her to achieve it.
¯  What idea let the film for use in our class?
The ideas to implement in our classes is help students to obtain self-confidence and good relationship with their classmate and make the students understand the important of each life also some materials and activities can be important to catch the attention of the students.